Christian Easter Poems
2 for the Easter Vigil - 1 for
The first two poems on this page are about the time between Good Friday and Easter, a day known as Holy Saturday, or the Easter Vigil - or Easter Eve - in many traditions.

Cross Pattern on a Church Altar Cover
| It was the Sabbath day, a day of rest. The town was quiet. God arranged it as a day of reflection between Good Friday and the Great Day of miracles. Few knew what was about to happen.
Maybe, this is what Jesus' followers were thinking, thoughts we can share in as well.
Tradition holds that of all the followers of Jesus, after His death, - and despite great temptations and attacks from hell and the devils - only Mary His Mother - never wavered in keeping her faith in the promise Jesus made of His Resurrection. |
Which is why is some denominations, Saturday is called Our Lady's Day, to honor her keeping the faith, and to honor her in a special way for the sufferings she endured on the one full day between losing her most beloved and most precious son in the greatest grief and agony, and the day of His joyful Resurrection.
The 3rd poem discusses faith, a very special Easter grace.
125. Painful Sabbath Memories by Paul Berchtold, April, 2011
This day begins with mournful sun,
To wake us up, but memory comes,
Of yesterday, and what was done,
Into our souls, it is steeping.
Every moment we do relive,
How Jesus died so we may live,
Even enemies did he forgive,
This is the day of weeping.
Friday's horrors sadly linger,
Stabbing, killing, hate and anger,
At ourselves we point the finger.
Christ is buried in the tomb.
Gone the gladness, gone the beauty,
We can scarcely do our duty,
Who wants now to gather booty?
There now comes a sense of doom.
Yesterday was worst of riot,
Now it's calmer, all seems quiet,
Hardly talking, we only sigh it,
Where is the Christ we follow?
Yesterday was the dreadful test,
The worst came out, also the best,
Now is the time for Sabbath rest,
Christ rests too, in grave so hollow.
Evening now begins to fall,
And still we can't help but recall,
The day before, what happened all,
We're just trying to survive.
Among the trees, see paschal moon,
The air is still, but very soon,
This very night you'll hear the tune,
Christ is risen! He's alive!
254. The Silent Transition by Paul Berchtold, April, 2012
What words can I borrow?
How different this sorrow,
A sense that tomorrow,
Change comes without warning.
For yesterday's badness,
And today's great sadness,
Will turn into gladness,
When comes Easter morning.
Christ dying in anguish,
Buried, seems to languish,
But he will extinguish,
The darkness of doom.
Awful condemnation,
Will become elation,
In his exultation,
Coming forth from the tomb.
Even though it grows late,
Let's continue to wait,
And pray at heaven's gate.
It's a word to the wise.
For by faith we're knowing,
Our hope is will keep growing,
God's plan is still going,
Jesus soon will arise.
120. Change of Heart by Paul Berchtold, April, 2011
The day he rose, Jesus the Light,
Came to his friends that very night.
First filled with fear, then deep delight,
They were amazed, he was so bright.
All were there but Thomas was not,
Afraid of throwing himself in their lot,
By fear and doubt was badly caught,
Forgetting all that Jesus taught.
Thomas was pouting all alone,
Doing nothing, off on his own,
Always tending to moan and groan,
Self pity makes him sick to the bone.
Jesus is living, his followers cried,
But not for Thomas, as he denied.
Last thing he knew, Jesus had died.
Just being stubborn, full of pride.
Jesus wants to free us from sin,
So Jesus appears once again,
He calls Come close, Thomas the Twin,
Put your hand in my side herein.
What with his hand did Thomas feel?
The heart of Jesus beating real.
Now his poor soul could Jesus heal.
Touching his heart, brings him to kneel.
Thomas now falls down to the floor,
He doubts no longer, never more,
From his lips these words outpour,
My Lord, my God, I do adore.
Jesus gave grace to the good thief,
When suffering in the greatest grief,
Now gives Thomas, gift of belief,
So he can turn a brand new leaf.
By this miracle, a divine art,
Jesus opens the way to each heart,
Inviting all, come be a part,
Of his family. It's truly smart.
Then Jesus said, come closer near,
I want you all, my words to hear,
I want to make it very clear,
How great is faith, and do not fear.
More blest are those who do not see,
And yet will place their trust in me,
In ages to come, yes, this will be,
How you are saved, eternally.
We thank You Lord, you are the best,
When trusting you, we are most blest,
Now and ever, be it confessed,
You wait in heaven, to give us rest.
We'll see and touch, with hugs embrace,
See your sweet eyes, your precious face,
Faith leads to Heaven, the grandest place,
Thank you Lord, for this Easter grace. Amen.
Poems by Paul Berchtold
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Comment on the First 2 Poems - A Time for Grieving
No doubt, many of the followers of Jesus were deeply grieved and troubled the day after his torture, crucifixion, death and burial. Their minds were filled with restlessness and guilt, many of them having left Jesus when he needed them most. Especially poor Peter, who had denied him three times, hours after promising him he wouldn't.
As we go about our duties in preparation for Easter, we can certainly share in these sorrowful thoughts, because Jesus suffered so much for each one of us. And by sin, we too have disappointed Jesus many times.
A Time for Prayer
Like the apostles and the holy women, it would be very wise to spend some time on Holy Saturday in prayer. It is a very good practice to pray that God comfort those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
Who can imagine what torture Mary the mother of Jesus was going through, that first Holy Saturday Sabbath? Only God could be her consolation, because God took her son, and her son was truly God, being the son of God by nature.
I have some
comfort poems and prayers in the Sympathy section of the website, asking God's comfort on those who are going through this most painful time of bereavement.
This poem could be used as well, for the death of Christ and his resurrection, gives the hope and confidence that those who believe and follow Christ, shall also rise in glory.
Comment on the 3rd Poem - Doubting Thomas
If you are not familiar with the story, it would be good to read this story in the Gospel of John, chapter 20, second half.
In a way, it's a good thing Thomas doubted, because of what Jesus then said.
We're included in this story. While speaking to Thomas, Jesus spoke about all the rest of us believers. He promised a special blessing for those who haven't seen Christ physically in person, and who still believe.
Let's Not Blame Thomas
None of us should go pointing our finger at Thomas. In many ways, we're like him. At one time or another, we've all been guilty of not believing what others say, especially when more and more people say it's true.
Or, like Thomas, we go sulky and sullen, and don't want to join the community, attend church regularly, support a ministry, volunteer on a project, when we know we could be helping and pitching in, because we have the time and ability to do so. Especially when God keeps inviting and calling us.
Let's learn from Thomas' mistake.
Thank your stars, God can use our mistakes to do great good.
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