Poem Terms and Conditions
For Using Poems on Thank-Your-Stars.com

Poem Terms and Conditions - Original Poetry by Paul Berchtold


      Poems by Paul Berchtold
     ©  Copyright  2010 - 2025
          All rights reserved.

Unless expressly stated otherwise, every poem on this website is an original work of Paul Berchtold, the founder of Thank-Your-Stars.com.

The poems on this website may not be used for commercial use or resale without the express written permission of Paul Berchtold. For questions or to request permission, please use the contact form.


Pastors, Church Workers, Teachers, Announcers, etc.

You're welcome to publicly use and share these poems
in programs, speeches, sermons, bulletins, bulletin boards
provided you follow these "Poem Terms and Conditions"

Welcome ... thank you for visiting !

Here's the good news.

Since Thank-Your-Stars.com is a website to provide encouragement and inspiration, the author graciously grants the conditional / limited use of these poems.

* * * You may use these poems for your personal use.

* * * You may share them with others, provided the following conditions are met:

  1. At the beginning and / or at the end of the poem, you must include:

    • The title of the poem.

    • The author.

    • The permission of the author.

    • The name of this website.

    For example, "What You Mean to Me, [a poem] by Paul Berchtold. Used by permission of the author. This poem is found at Thank-Your-Stars.com."

  2. The poems may not be altered substantially. You may adapt them slightly to your circumstances. For example, in the teacher poems, you may use singular or plural for the teacher (teacher / teachers)or for the reader (me / us). Or for example, in the grandparent poems, you may adapt it to a grandfather, grandmother, great grandfather, great grandmother - if it is appropriate to the occasion and to the person(s).

Poem Terms and Conditions - Special Instructions:

Personal Greeting Card.

If you use the poem in a personal greeting card, you may put some of this information (such as the permission statement, or the name of this website) on the back of the card.

Public Reading

When doing a public presentation, such as at a class assembly or graduation ceremony:

  • Please include the title and author at the beginning of the poem.

    For example, "You're the Teacher, (a poem) by Paul Berchtold."

    --- The last name is pronounced "Birch-told". Like, the "birch" tree "told" a secret to the aspen tree. ---

  • Please include the permission of the author and this website at the beginning and / or at the end of the poem.

    For example, "This poem is available at Thank-Your-Stars.com and is used with the permission of the author."

Poem Terms and Conditions - Online Posting

Online / electronic posting of any of these poems is not allowed in any form (website, blog, ezine article, video, etc.) without the express written permission from the author. To request permission, please use the contact form.

However, you are welcome to share one or more of these poems by providing an active hyper-link to the correct URL address (the specific web page) of the poem at Thank-Your-Stars.com.

For any other usage of these poems, you must have written permission from the author. To request permission, please use the contact form.

Poem Terms and Conditions - A Special Thank You

Thank you for sharing these poems. And thank you for following these instructions while using and sharing these poems.

May these poems inspire and encourage you and your audience.

Thank your stars!

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