Short Inspirational Stories about Gratitude

These stories about gratitude are for your inspiration and encouragement.

We all like stories. Especially children. And especially if they're true.

Stories can be fun. It's also a simple, easy way to learn valuable lessons that would otherwise ... be ... rather ... boring.

A good story grabs our attention, drives deep into our mind, and fires up the imagination like nothing else.

Here's some stories about gratitude for you to enjoy.

One of the Best Thank you Stories - about a Janitor

This thank you story about a janitor shows how something very little made a big difference for her, her employer, and the company she worked for.

Saint Therese of Lisieux Thank Your Stars Stories

The name of this website, Thank-Your-Stars, sounds "New Age." Some people have told me that. And yes, I knew that when I got the domain name.

Saint Therese of Lisieux, who called herself "the Little Flower of Jesus", wrote about the stars over 100 years ago.

Inspirational Short Story - A Seed in the Mud

An original, this inspirational short story, A Seed in the Mud, has been years in the making. If you are having challenges or facing difficulties, you might appreciate this story, "A Seed in the Mud".

The Peach Tree and the Earthworm

Another original, inspirational short story. Find reasons to be thankful even in hard times. A tale of hard work, and what people don't see.

True Love Stories about my Grandparents

These are true stories about my grandparents - how they sacrificed and showed true love in hard times - for many long years.

Stories about my Grandmother

Grandma stories about my grandmother. Cherished family stories, a great inspiration for Grandparents Day.

Great stories about gratitude for the health, lifestyle, and blessings we have today.

Thank you, Gramma, you are truly a star!

Stories about my Grandfather

Grandpa stories about my grandfather, who lived to be more than 90 years old. Good for Grandparents Day.

Thanks, Grampa, you are a special star!

The Littlest Star - A Christmas Short Story

An original Christmas short story about a grateful little fellow called The Littlest Star, with 13 short chapters. For adults and children alike, a story everyone can enjoy.

The Best Online Sermon - and Missionary - Stories

These are the best sermon stories - and missionary stories - I've come across on the internet over the years.

Each of these storytellers tap into a lifetime of experiences - their own and others.

Some of them have already gone into eternity.

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