Easter Poems and Traditions
to Bring Easter Blessings

Easter poems, traditions and customs can help us better celebrate a most important festival in the church year.
If Christ is not risen, our faith is in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:14)
"Christ is risen!"
"He is risen indeed!"
What Day is Easter? - When Is Easter Sunday?
Find the date for Easter Sunday.
Plus a summary description of how the movable date for Easter is computed each year. It's a rather complicated mathematical formula based on astronomy, mathematics, and science.
3 Christian Easter Poems
The first 2 poems are for Holy Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath day of rest between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, which Mary, the holy women, and the apostles observed. It's also called Easter Eve, or the Easter Vigil.
It's a time of grieving, but with hope in the promises of Christ, that he will rise on the third day.
The 3rd poem discusses faith, a very special Easter grace.
It's taken from a true story of the Apostle Thomas in the bible. We call him "doubting Thomas." But we should really call him the Apostle of Faith.
2 Religious Easter Poems
The first poem - "Ring the Bell" - has 9 verses and 9 refrains.
The second poem has 12 short verses - addressed to the Holy Angels at Easter time.
3 Short Easter Poems and Verses
These 3 short poems talk about flowers. Check out the amazing photos! Find out why flowers are an important Easter tradition.
While they were blooming, the flowers seen on this page were buried under 4 inches of snow on the Thursday before Easter, and 8 more inches the Tuesday after Easter, even though Easter was in the last week of April. These flowers grow because of the cold spring rains - they grow even in the snow!
God also shows his power even in difficult circumstances. The most terrible thing was Jesus dying. By God's power, he rose on the third day!
2 Easter Poems for Children - Easter Bunny Poems
In both these poems, the Easter bunny has some very important messages for young and old alike.
A Free Easter Poem
This poem is titled, "Easter Thoughts."
It considers how Mary and Jesus were connected as mother and son, linked together in work and prayer, according to God's plan. The suffering of one was shared by the other.
And it is only right that the joy of one is shared by the other - forever.
Easter Egg Ideas for Decorating Easter Eggs
Easter eggs are an important Easter tradition in many families. This egg decorating is really different.
Some natural coloring right from the hen, a unique edible dye, a bit of care, and your work-of-art egg decorating will look different than mother hen's - without having to go to the store!
Includes 12 photos of the project.
Easter Basket Ideas
For children, and "children-at-heart."
Includes 4 photos of the finished product!
Easter Bible Lessons and Stories
These Easter stories from the Bible are about some of the special people who were involved in the story of the Resurrection, the real Easter story.
This can be very helpful material when preparing for an Easter sermon or Sunday School class.
Unique Easter Gifts
Many children often get eggs, candy, and toys. But is that all?
My own mother and father gave us gifts that lasted much longer. And hopefully, they will continue to last forever.
Easter Traditions - Additional Resources
I have many different kinds of poems on this site. Some are fun, some are serious. Some for birthdays, and some for funerals. And lots of things in between.
Many of my poems on this site have a Christian theme. After all, when we thank our stars, we must not forget the one who made us and saves us. So it's appropriate to show our deepest appreciation especially for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
Easter Sunday - aka - The Resurrection
Easter Sunday is also known as the Feast of the Resurrection. It's a day to celebrate when Jesus came back to life, 3 days after his death on the cross.
There are many beautiful customs observed in different churches, families, and countries.
The first and best way is to thank God with a grateful heart for our redemption, both in our hearts and in our churches, when we pray and worship.
It is important that we must take this responsibility seriously, and do this important duty to the one who made us, and died on the cross to save us, and wants us to enjoy true success.
Easter Traditions - Religious Customs
In addition to our obligation to personal prayer, worship and service to God, we owe God public worship and praise as a community and a society. This is especially done in the church, which is the house of God.
Various denominations have different practices to celebrate Easter:
- Easter vigil services;
- Easter midnight services;
- Easter sunrise services;
- Easter day services
And the celebration continues throughout the season of Easter, which last for 40 days until Ascension Thursday, to celebrate the time Jesus remained on earth after his resurrection until he went to heaven.
Easter Holy Day ... or Holiday?
Easter is a holy day. And ... a holiday.
Like Christmas, Easter has unfortunately become quite commercialized. All kinds of merchandise are bought and sold before Easter - decorations, baskets, rabbits, bunnies, candies, and more.
Many customs have been borrowed from Christian traditions kept for centuries.
Here in the west, some of the more popular ways to celebrate the holiday are:
- Easter lilies, flowers, and other decorations;
- Easter songs, hymns, music, poems and poetry;
- Easter baskets, Easter eggs, and Easter egg hunts;
- festive meals - dinners, potlucks, and picnics;
- baked goodies, sweet treats, candies, and special desserts
- small gifts, very often foodstuffs, such as Easter eggs and treats
- Easter cards with verses and poems about Easter !
- and of course, wishing one and all a Happy - or even better, a Blessed Easter !
But let us remember, that all these customs are just meaningless trimmings All these trimmings are meaningless unless one is also, and more importantly, focused on the real purpose of the holy day - to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and our new life in Christ, which gives us the hope of also being raised from the dead to eternal life.
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