A Father's Day Poem About Heaven

Some precious memories came back while I was writing this Father's Day poem about heaven.

It has a bit of a surprise ending.

Years ago, 2 pastors from Quebec Canada gave me some ideas about God the Father and heaven and the fun things they wanted to do there. I'll tell the stories they told me after the poem.

92. When I Get to Heaven

     by Paul Berchtold, March, 2011

When I get to heaven, I surely won't hide,
Like an angel behind big wings so wide,
I'm a child, I'll run and play as I like,
Drive my car or ride my bike.

When I get to heaven I won't always kneel,
Because heaven is life, to the fullest and real,
I'll jump up and down and dance and play,
Because heaven's the place, to party all day.

When I'm in heaven, every once in a while,
I'll jump on the lap of God with a smile,
I'll bounce on his lap, I'll pull his beard,
Because I am his child, it won't be that weird.

See grownups aren't allowed to get in the door,
Angels will have their faces on the floor,
While we children play and eat with the Son,
He shares the same Father, the very same one!

With endless energy, we'll burn so bright,
Dancing and playing with all our might,
Time will fly past, because it's forever,
Won't fall asleep, now that's real clever!

And if - I say if - we should ever get tired,
We'll still be happy, joyful, inspired,
Maybe slow a bit, and enjoy the best,
That's why it's called eternal rest!

It's one long day, no night to fear,
No cold or heat, like some old year,
What day is it? What will we say?
Yippee, it's always, Happy Father's Day!


             Poems by Paul Berchtold
      © Copyright - All rights reserved.

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The 1st Story - by a Pastor Who Died Young

Some of the ideas for this poem came from 2 young ministers I knew in Quebec, Canada.

The first one, named Christian, I did not know that well. I heard from his friends, that he talked about sitting on the lap of God the Father, and tugging at and playing with his beard.

Why I didn't know him that well, was because shortly after I met his friends, he was helping fix a roof, and a roll of black paper fell from the roof onto his head. He was unconscious several weeks and died shortly before Christmas. He was only 29 years old. It was a devastating blow to the entire community and to his friends, most of whom knew him since he was a boy, and who loved him very much. They talked about him often.

Yes, we hope he's up in heaven tugging God the Father's beard.

I have some different plans of what I'm going to be doing in heaven. Because, after all, I'm a child too, and I'll be getting anything and everything I want !!!

The 2nd Story - by a Young Pastor with Cancer

The second young pastor I got to know much better. I haven't seen him since about 14 years ago, so I don't even know if he's still alive. But I got to work for a short while with hime. He was a self-taught surveyor, who was helping build a bridge. I was his helper holding the measuring post, and driving and marking stakes.

Between his surveying one side of the bridge, and the other, he had surgery because he was fighting cancer. So I got to visit him often after he came back home from the hospital.

He told me that he pictured heaven as him living in a little house or flat (meaning apartment) in a neighborhood of houses at the bottom of a hill. He was going to have fun as a child, going out and playing on the swings, having fun in the dirt, etc.

And every once in a while, God the Father was going to come down the hill and pay his household a special visit, so he would have to get cleaned up and dressed and go into the living room to see the Heavenly Father when he came for a visit.

And when he was gone, he could go out and play again !

Thank your stars, in heaven we'll all be children !

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