Inspirational Funeral Poems for Mom
- In Memory of Mother -

Pink Apple Blossoms in Spiral

These 2 funeral poems for mom remind us of how special mothers are.

We are indebted to our mothers for the life we have here on earth.

Losing a mother can be very difficult, no matter how old the child, or how old the mother.

I lost my own mother of blessed memory, when she was 46 and I was only 21.

May these poems be an inspiration in loving memory of a departed mother.

382. The Hope of a Mother

     by Paul Berchtold, September, 2018

Too soon you were taken,
Dearest mother of mine
Like grape leaves in Autumn,
Floating down from the vine.

Like blossoming apple's
Tiny flower petal,
Gently joining neighbors,
On the ground to settle.

Yet the good fruit lives on
And inside of it, seeds.
May we become fruitful,
With God-honoring deeds.

Wherever we're scattered,
May true life keep flowing,
The memory of you,
In our hearts keep glowing.

May we also bring life,
To many another,
By the time we're called home,
Like you, dearest mother.


             Poems by Paul Berchtold
      © Copyright - All rights reserved.

You are welcome to use and share this poem, provided you follow the Poem Terms and Conditions.

135. I Found It !

     by Paul Berchtold, May, 2011

Photos show a beautiful dress,
Long ago on her wedding day.
Lots of people gathered in church,
Some held close a flower bouquet.
"Love's in the air." Is it really love?

Another photo - just for keeps,
Mother holding me her baby,
She is smiling. The baby sleeps.
What's she thinking? I wonder, maybe,
Am I dreaming love?

I found my mother baking bread
Busy, tired, yet still going,
Love is something not easy said,
I'm so hungry, I'm still growing.
Am I tasting love?

I found my mother doing dishes,
Cooking, cleaning, singing a song,
With a smile she'd listen to us,
She taught us work, we'd sing along,
Am I hearing love?

I found my mother washing clothes,
Endless piles of dirt and soil,
Her lips moving in silent prayer,
Endless hours of work and toil,
Am I feeling love?

Throughout each day, my mother calls,
Come join in prayer, her entire brood.
Showing a more valued lesson,
Where to get spiritual food.
To find the meaning of love.

While I slept, mother was sewing,
Or with Dad reading from good books,
Late at night they prayed for us,
Love is deeper and not just looks.
A hidden treasure - is love.

I found my mother slowing dying,
Barely able to talk to me,
Her life poured out, exhausted, worn,
Heaven is now her destiny.
Is there greater love?

God, take my mother home to you,
Truly great should be her reward,
It's time to send your gift of love,
Back to you now, O all wise Lord.
To find the place of love.

Who can replace such a mother?
You gave to us, the very best.
Her suffering, toil, sacrifice,
Is ended now. Please grant your rest
To mom, with all our love. Amen.


             Poems by Paul Berchtold
      © Copyright - All rights reserved.

You are welcome to use and share this poem, provided you follow the Poem Terms and Conditions.

The Power of a Mother's Prayers

I thank God for the prayers of my mother. When she was dying of cancer more than 35 years ago, one of her last wishes - her mouth was so dry, she could barely talk - was that we would all get to heaven. Her eyes said it all, as they were full of tears. And she had truly lived it, praying and working for us daily for years.

May her prayers be granted, may we all be re-united in heaven, may all her tears be wiped away.

Thank your stars, she deserves it.

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