2 New Years Day Poems
to Thank God for His Blessings
and to Ask God for His Blessings

Jonathan Apple Blossoms 235 x 313
Happy New Year!

Blessed New Year!

These New Years Day Poems are appropriate for January 1st

At the beginning of each new year, it's very wise to:

     • thank God for the New Year,

     • ask His blessings,

     • and reflect on the time we are given to prepare for heaven, our true home.

183. Find the Blessings

     by Paul Berchtold, October, 2011

Thank you God, I'm so elated,
In this New Year you have created,
To arrive today safe and sure,
With promise of a great future.

This year in which I myself find,
Gratitude comes foremost to mind,
Your blessings past are evidence,
Of your continued providence.

Each child of yours you don't forsake,
More and more care I see you take.
As the years are steady going,
Your blessing pile is ever growing.

So I can trust you in advance,
For shelter, food, and even pants,
And greater things like life and breath,
And your sweet presence at my death.

Life-long may my thanks be showing,
Because your blessings keep on going,
Even when life becomes a test,
I trust you know and give the best.

I'll wait your call to come enter,
Heaven where true love is center.
There where life is fullest living,
I'll continue my thanksgiving.

184. Prayer for Blessings

     by Paul Berchtold, October, 2011

God I'm in the palm of your hand.
The future I don't understand.
What may happen in days ahead,
Sometimes goes way over my head.

You're above all, higher than man,
You know my thoughts and what I plan
Each day your love will never cease,
I can rest each night in peace.

Should you this year call me on home,
On this earth I will no longer roam,
Help me prepare to see your face,
Grant me your mercy and healing grace.

I can trust your blessings to flow,
Your love follows me where I go,
In everything you best provide,
Your heart and hands are open wide.

Heavy burdens you gently take,
Even when it's my own mistake.
No matter how heavy the load,
You walk with me on down the road.

But actually this begging prayer,
Turns into thanks for your great care,
Before I pray, you answer give,
I thank you that in me you live.

To you in danger I can turn,
I know that you will never spurn,
A chance to prove your love to me,
You are incarnate charity.

Infinite love, I wish that all,
The world could know your blessed call,
May your love spread everywhere,
This year on earth. It is my prayer.



             Poems by Paul Berchtold
      © Copyright - All rights reserved.

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More New Years Day Poems

You can find short poems appropriate for New Years day along the same themes of thanksgiving, prayers for God's blessings, and the value of time.

There are also poems for New Years Eve, which includes reminders and prayers asking God's forgiveness, and thanking him for the blessings of the past year.

New Year's Day is a Time for Thanksgiving

New Year's Day is a special time for thanksgiving.

We should be thankful to God that we have reached this new year in good health - or at least alive.

A new year always holds great promise. We have time to perform good deeds in the service of God and our neighbor.

In heaven, we can enjoy forever God's great reward for faithful service.

New Year's Day is a Time to Pray for God's Blessings

We all have many goals, many dreams. We all want success.

God can give us the best, both in this life, and in the next. But we have to ask him.

On the last night before his death, Jesus told his followers, "Ask, and you shall receive, that your joy may be full." (John 16:24)

What better time to ask God's blessings than at the beginning of the New Year.

Why wait until things go wrong sometime in the year? Still, better late than never. But so much grief could often be avoided.

The truly prudent and wise know that so many calamities can be averted by prayer. Talking, walking, living with God is a great way to handle the challenges we face in life.

Many challenges are impossible to handle without God's help.

Reflections on Time

New Years Day is a great time to appreciate the gift of time.

How fast it goes by ! It always goes forward, not backwards. We get older, not younger.

Our time on earth will soon run out - even if we live to be very old. Once our time on earth is done, we can never redo it.

Our eternity depends on how we die. We don't know when we will die, so we should always be prepared. Else we are very foolish indeed.

There's only heaven or hell after we die, and they are forever.

It all depends on how we live. There's a saying, "As you live, so shall you die."

Without Christ, we can do nothing. (John 15:5)

By God's help, all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26; Mark 9:23, 10:27; 14:36)

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