10 Short Poems about Turning 50
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Happy 50th Birthday !!!

I wrote these original short poems about turning 50 around the time I turned 50.
Turning 50 is a special time to re-evaluate our life, checking to see if we're on track to fulfilling our purpose, create a destiny, and leave a legacy.
It's a special time to be grateful, thankful, and full of appreciation for the goodness of God and others helping us to live this long, and accomplish something worthwhile in the service of God and others - to do some good in this world.
It's a milestone worth celebrating. That's why I have several pages and a number of poems on this website for the 50th Birthday.
Poems about "Turning 50" by Paul Berchtold, March, 2011
107. Lots to Learn
Now I'm 50 turning,
Experience I've been earning,
Half a century,
Came in a hurry,
And still I'm so much learning.
108. Where did Time Go?
I've been factoring and summing,
Smelling roses, life's been humming,
When shock and surprise,
Right before my eyes,
50 is up and coming!
109. Growing Deeper in Gratitude
I'm thankful, Lord, for life and health,
Family, friends, a bit of wealth.
I confess my fears
That 50 years,
Has pounced on me by greatest stealth!
110. Forge Ahead!
You're 50, so Happy Birthday!
Wishing you best, for this I pray,
You're a star bright,
Show us the light,
How 50 is grand! and not just "okay".
111. Over the Top!
You're "over the hill" is what they say,
If that is scary, just shout out, "Hey!
What a great view!"
(I'm breathless too…)
The uphill climb is over – today! (or "I pray.")
112. A Joyful Blessing
It's a special occasion today,
It's your Happy 50th Birthday!
May you be blessed
With all the best,
God grant you joy in every way.
113. Doing Good for Heaven
Happy 50th, it's a milestone,
There still is time, good seeds be sown,
Best is the prize,
Before your eyes,
God has a place to call your own.
114. Happy at the Top
All this "over the hill" junk,
I'll quickly and happily de-bunk,
Roll it down the hill,
Smile dancing still,
That burden's gone with a ker-plunk!
115. Source of Joy
At 50 I have nothing to hide.
I'm still so full of life inside.
If you knew only,
I am not lonely,
Closer than ever, is God at my side.
116. Turning 50 Meditation Prayer
A birthday is time to ponder,
On all of God's great wonder,
Wherever I roam,
There is a home,
He has for each of us yonder.
It's there I will be fully,
Alive and free and holy.
God, your love bring,
Your sheltering wing,
Come stay with me, so lowly.
Thanks for walking now with me,
Be the light to guide my journey,
For if you don't
I simply won't,
Be ready for eternity!
Poems by Paul Berchtold
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The Purpose and Meaning of Life
All our life is a journey, a quest for the truth. When we find an area of truth we did not know, we replace our erroneous beliefs and opinions with the truth.
All our lives we must keep learning in order to gain wisdom.
Young people are full of energy and strength. They develop their physical abilities.
Growing Older, we should be Getting Holier, Better, and Wiser
As we get older, we begin to lose some of that energy and strength. We still need to take care of our health by appropriate exercise.
What we lack in strength, we make up in experience, maturity, and wisdom, by developing our intellectual, emotional, and spiritual gifts.
Many people go through their lives without knowing why they exist!
Turning 50 - A Time to be Thoughtful and Prayerful
The age of 50 is an excellent time for a sabbatical, a retreat, some reading and walking, pondering and praying. The world is so noisy and busy, it does not want us to think. That's how we end up in the rat race. We have to take time to stop, shut out the world, meditate and reflect.
On some Sunday afternoons in summer, I lay on my bed to take a nap. (I was born on a Sunday in summer.)
I look out at my garden from my bed. I think of the work I've done, I see the plants reflected in the windows, I think of how old I'm getting. I think of when I will die. Sometimes, I get a little bit afraid.
Then I think of praying to die well. That I get everything done I can before then. And sometimes, the best prayer is one of thanks, that I've been able to do what I have, able to live all these years.
And suddenly, 15 minutes later - or even an hour or so later - I'm awake, refreshed, and energized. I can never figure out how I fell asleep.
I'm so glad Sundays are a day of rest. Sundays are an idea of what heaven's like.
What is our Destiny?
Looking for success and fame in this life? Even if we get it, it is short-lived and very shallow.
Our true destiny is heaven. We've never truly "arrived" until we're in heaven.
Thank God He helps us through the mistakes and challenges of life - but we got to be willing to let Him.
Because if you're a "self-made' man or woman, you've just relieved God of a very great responsibility.
Leaving a Legacy
Part of our job, the older we get, is to give a good example - and when able, wise counsel - to the younger generation, especially when we have influence, such as parents, teachers, and mentors.
Like we did, and still do, the next generation has much to learn. It takes maturity to channel their energy, enthusiasm, and strength to good causes.
Often, they - and we - have to learn the hard way. Chalk it up to experience. Hopefully, we're to a point it's better learning from good sources, or at least learning from the mistakes of others than from our own. It helps to shorten the learning curve.
And hopefully, the younger generation will look up to the older generation for their role models and mentors.
In the meantime, let's pray for them, and continue to let our light shine.
Thank your stars!
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