Prayer for Veterans Day
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Another Veterans Day Poem

Sun Setting behind Trees

This prayer for Veterans Day is one of my rare non-rhyming poems, wishing the best of blessings on our veterans, and all our military.

Veterans - and soldiers - pay the price. They work hard doing a very difficult duty. They fight for peace.

Many suffer pains of body, soul, or mind, sometimes for the rest of their lives on earth.

They deserve our thanks, love, and gratitude. Now let us also pray God to grant them healing and special blessings.

24. Prayer for Veterans Day

     by Paul Berchtold, November, 2010

Heavenly Father,
Author and Giver of Peace,

We ask your blessing and mercy upon
Our soldiers, veterans,
Men and women protecting home
And country.

Answering the call to action,
Willing to fight even bitter conflict
Fighting for our lives and freedoms,
Prepared to give their lives,

In serving us they serve you well.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your blessings,
Upon our veterans, our soldiers, upon us all.
Thank these, our heroes,
Reward abundantly their sacrifice.

Grant them peace of mind,
Comfort their hearts,
Heal all their wounds,
Give them strength.

Encourage them in all difficulties.
Guide and protect their travels.
Protect their family and loved ones.

Heavenly Father,

May your guidance and blessings
Be with them wherever they go,
Whatever they do.

When earthly life is over,
Bring our veterans home to heaven.

There to receive a rich reward,
Enjoy your blessed presence,
Rejoice in your eternal peace,
And be re-united with loved ones.

Heavenly Father, you promise,

No more suffering, death, and war.
No more hurt, doubt, confusion.
But only joy and happiness,
Reward, refreshment, and reunion,

With all the armies of heaven,
The angels and saints,
Our ancestors in the faith,
Our loved ones gone before us.

We ask you, Heavenly Father,

Welcome our veterans home,
To our true homeland country,
The Land of Peace and Rest



             Poems by Paul Berchtold
      © Copyright - All rights reserved.

You are welcome to use and share this poem, provided you follow the Poem Terms and Conditions.

The Power of Prayer.

There's a saying, "There's no atheist in a fox-hole." (An atheist is a person who doesn't think there is a God.)

That's because in a war, there's many times human weapons couldn't possibly do the job, human efforts seem futile, human suffering is just too great, that our minds and hearts know to cry out to the most powerful and loving force in existence for help in impossible situations.

And God delivers.

Prayer United to the Greatest Sacrifice

After a life of dedication in service to God and man, Jesus gave every drop of his blood, amid all kinds of torture and pain, giving his life as a young man by dying on the cross so that we might have eternal life.

One of the most important things Jesus prays for - on our behalf - is that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.

Other more important prayers Jesus prays is that God be honored, praised, and glorified. That God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

When Jesus prays, he's paid a great price to make those prayers effective.

That's why, to make our prayers much more effective, we are encouraged to pray in Jesus' name when we pray.

Prayer for Peace

Prayer is conversation with God. We should get in the good habit now of talking to God about anything, so it becomes automatic to talk to God when things get rough.

It's especially when we're having a bad time of it, when no one seems to understand our problems, when we've made a real mess of things, that's when God really wants to hear from us so he can work his wonders, even big miracles, to help us.

We live in a world where crime, war, and sin seem to be on the rise. These things are ugly, and their consequences bring much suffering and grief.

The world outside of us can be in turmoil, but also, inside of us can be in turmoil, in our hearts and minds.

God Wants to Give us Peace

In the Holy Bible, God say, "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for peace, and not evil, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11)

What if everyone asked God for peace, and worked for true peace?

God would grant it. We probably wouldn't need as many soldiers and policeman and prison guards.

But until then, we live in a sinful world, a world with wars, and we can make the best of the situation by asking God to help us. We should thank him for keeping us safe in a fallen world. We should ask him to thank our veterans and soldiers, who help God keep us safe, by using their lives and making sacrifices that help protect us.

And one day, even if only in heaven, we will find out that God draws great good out of evil. In fact, it often a greater good.

Precisely because there is so much evil and suffering in this world, God makes those faithful to him become strong, good, generous leaders.

Those will have a greater reward who had to struggle and fight for the good, than if everything had been served on a silver platter.

That's how heroes are made.

Thank your stars!

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