Thank You Pastor Poems

Five Ripening Pears

Looking for Thank You Pastor poems? Here's two more original poems.

This first one is a reminder, we all need help. We're all human, including the best of pastors.

When we fall and make a mess,
when we goof, and confess
that it's too much to continue ...
here's reminding each of us to ...

... walk with God !!!

10. Walk with God

     by Paul Berchtold, August, 2010

Pastor, there's too much to do.
Don't try.
Let me tell you a story when [you want to]
You cry.

Adam took a walk with God,
Every afternoon,
Then fell from grace
All too soon.

Later, a little boy took baby steps,
Grew up to walk a lot.
He told stories, brought Good News
That people sought.

His last walk he carried
A heavy cross.
He fell. He continued on
To save the lost.

He died. He rose.
He walked again.
To show the way and
Be a friend.

Pastor walk with Jesus.
And, when you fall,
Let Him lift you, carry your burden,
Carry it all.

Tell us, show us, to walk and die with Him
To rise, to live.
It's the best thing you could
Possibly give.
Dear Pastor, walk with God!
God walks with you.

Dear God,
For walking with our Pastor,
Thank You.


             Poems by Paul Berchtold
      © Copyright - All rights reserved.

You are welcome to use and share this poem, provided you follow the Poem Terms and Conditions.

This next thank you pastor poem speaks of the 3 gifts of God: Faith, Hope, and Charity. Then gives thanks, asking God's blessings on the pastor and his loved ones.

11. Dear Pastor on this Special Day

     by Paul Berchtold, August, 2010

Dear Pastor on this special day,
I pray your faith is firm, unbending.
Walk with God in every way,
Receive His blessings without ending.

Dear Pastor on this special day,
I pray your hope is always strong.
Cling to God come what may,
Receive His comfort all year long.

Dear Pastor on this special day,
I pray your love is ever growing.
Share your God, His Word relay,
So our souls for Him keep glowing.

Dear Pastor on this special day,
I thank you that you've done your part.
You help the Lord, you are His ray,
You bring His sunshine to my heart.

Dear Pastor on this special day,
God bless and ever keep you,
That every day you may be blessed,
And all your loved ones too.


             Poems by Paul Berchtold
      © Copyright - All rights reserved.

You are welcome to use and share this poem, provided you follow the Poem Terms and Conditions.

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