What Day is Father's Day?

Branch of Crab Apples

When is Father's Day?

Father's Day in the United States of America is always the 3rd Sunday in June.

So Father's Day is always celebrated on the Sunday that lands on or between June 15th and June 21st each year.

For the exact date each year, see the chart below, good for some time.

When is Father's Day?

2020 - Sunday, June 21

2021 - Sunday, June 20

2022 - Sunday, June 19

2023 - Sunday, June 18

2024 - Sunday, June 16

2025 - Sunday, June 15

2026 - Sunday, June 21

2027 - Sunday, June 20

2028 - Sunday, June 18

2029 - Sunday, June 17

2030 - Sunday, June 16

2031 - Sunday, June 15

2032 - Sunday, June 20

2033 - Sunday, June 19

2034 - Sunday, June 18

2035 - Sunday, June 17

2036 - Sunday, June 15

2037 - Sunday, June 21

2038 - Sunday, June 20

2039 - Sunday, June 19

2040 - Sunday, June 17

2041 - Sunday, June 16

2042 - Sunday, June 15

2043 - Sunday, June 21

2044 - Sunday, June 19

2045 - Sunday, June 18

2046 - Sunday, June 17

2047 - Sunday, June 16

2048 - Sunday, June 21

2049 - Sunday, June 20

2050 - Sunday, June 19

When is Father's Day? - Every Day !!!

Unless you're Adam and Eve, every one of us has an earthly father. Without him, we wouldn't have physical life.

Father's Day is a special time to show him the love, encouragement, inspiration and appreciation he should really be getting all year around.

If your father is no longer living on earth, it is also a very special time of remembrance and gratitude.

For our Father in Heaven

Father's Day is also a special time to show our gratitude to our Heavenly Father who made us and provides for us. Without him, we wouldn't have any life at all.

Sadly, too many people neglect to thank our Heavenly Father for what he has done for us.

Thank your stars, it's about time we show him our deepest and most heartfelt appreciation, and it should be every day - not just once a year.

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